First European course about learning disorders

Inclusion is a belief system.
It begins with the belief that every child has strengths to build upon, interests to share, and experiences to honor.

MOOC Dys project was initiated based on this belief that with the right tools and approach children who struggle with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are able to succeed in school. Troubles like SLD affect about 15 % of the general population. And yet, teachers are not always aware of the impact of such challenges on school life or prepared to face them. Many families are unprepared or in need of support to cope with the specific needs and obstacles of their children with SLD. Therefore, the European Erasmus+ project “MOOC Dys” aims at filling this gap by providing reliable information on how to cope with daily life and overcome school obstacles.


Learning platform: The MOOC​

An Open Education Resource that is tailored to all the stakeholders of the “dys” education: the teachers and educators but also the families and the “dys” pupils themselves. It’s organized in the form of blocks to allow the learners to choose the most appropriate content for their needs and realities.

The syllabus

It’s a digital version (epub, PDF, etc.) presenting the entire content of the MOOC. It allows other learners to have access to the knowledge without participating to the course if it suits their learning preferences.

Tips and tricks for dys and their families

A toolbox of 30 diverse tools, tips and inclusive ideas to support parents and family members of pupils with specific learning disorders.

Supporting tools for teachers and organizations

A toolbox of 30 different tools, inclusive lesson plans and pedagogical ideas to support teachers and professionals who assist pupils with specific learning disorders.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Reference: 2017-1-BE01-KA201-024775