Specific Learning Disorders affect two to three children per classroom on average. They are called Specific Learning Disorders because one or some of the necessary elements used in the learning process are challenged. Reading, writing, speaking, and calculating are skills used by the child to learn academically. There is a diverse combination of strengths and weaknesses in these skills. Obviously, when one or some of these are affected, the learning process is at risk.

So, even though the child has no intellectual disorders, he/she might have “unsuitable” instruments for learning. In simple words: If you don’t have the right recipe and method to make a cake, even with great ingredients the result won’t be as expected.

When we learn, we mainly process information (outer brain receives information through the senses) and if the brain perceives and/or processes the information differently, the approach will obviously be different.

In our MOOC you will learn about following learning disorders:

  • Dyslexia: Difficulty with reading and spelling
  • Dysgraphia: Difficulty with handwriting and some fine motor skills
  • Dyscalculia: Difficulty with arithmetic and mathematics
  • Dyspraxia: Difficulty with gross and fine motor coordination
  • Dysphasia: Difficulty to produce and understand spoken language

Please note that depending on the countries Dyspraxia may be classified as Developmental Coordination Disorder and not as specific learning disorder nonetheless as the overlaps with the other conditions described above are important, we have chosen to integrate it in this project

Various DYS difficulties often co-exist within the same learner. SLD can “overlap,” “co-exist,” or “co-occur”. People with one SLD often confess to experiencing signs of other SLD at some point.

If you want to learn more, check the material from the MOOC: link